Friday, November 04, 2005

Believe right? Or live right?

Adrian Warnock wrote recently:
" If being born again is something done to you, how can you be unborn? Really this doctrine was always taken to mean that true Christians will persevere in their faith till the end. "
So you can't be sure someone's born again. But "by their fruits you shall know them". Too many evangelicals seem content to have ticked the boxes for believing the 5 points of calvinism and missed the call to reach out to people who desperately need Jesus. It's an "I'm alright Jack" attitude that God says stinks. It's starting off in the Spirit and ending up in the flesh. It's neglecting the religion that God finds acceptable. It's pharisaical in the extreme. We'd do well do take the proverbial warning directly to the heart: "If you think you're standing firm, be careful you don't fall". There's no place for a complacent, proud theology in the Kingdom of God. Calvinism may have it right intellectually, but if it doesn't result in a love for the lost, a compassion for the poor and a passion for the saviour then frankly, it's no more use than a waterproof teabag. Have you ever read the gospels replacing the words "pharisee" and "saducee" with "christian" and "evangelical" ? It's salutary stuff.
Like the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, I know that too often I DO thank God that I am not like other men. Lord God, forgive me for my smugness of religion, for concentrating so hard on doctrine that I neglect to "let my hands move at the impulse of your love".
