Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Essence of the Gospel

Over at Adrian Warnock's UK Evangelical Blog
there's an interesting post about The simple gospel in 10 points summarised by Adrian's wife for a sunday school class of 4-7 year olds.
Distilling the gospel to it's essential elements should be quite a straight forward task, but it's surprisingly difficult to get the balance between missing out key points and adding extra points that aren't totally necessary. However, it's worth persevering with and a very useful exercise for every thinking Christian to attempt. You can't begin to defend why you believe the gospel if you're not sure exactly what gospel you believe!

Adrian can't understand what all the fuss is about. After all, it's what traditional reformed theology has always taught and believed. I believe the fuss is a result of a culture does not believe in the authority of experts any more. In a world where everyone's opinion is valued and valid, the views of one group or individual are seen to be no more correct than those of any other. So everything is now up for debate. When that same attitude insinuates itself into the Church too, it may well lead us to ask "Is nothing sacred?". Personally, I'm glad we're being challenged to think about our beliefs and traditions and defend them from a blblical perspective. As christians we're supposed to be committed to the truth. But like Jesus, let's be gracious about it.